Xavantes has developed specific and on-demand services for International Strategy Consulting in Emerging Countries:

Xavantes is an international consulting group headquartered in Paris, France, which specializes in International Strategies and their Implementation. For our customers willing to improve the presence of their companies in the Emerging Markets, we propose on-demand consulting services around two main topics: GLOBAL BUSINESS & MERGERS and GLOBAL PRESENCE & OFFSHORING.

We are experts in emerging countries, advising industrial companies in their globalization efforts in more than 100 countries in the world on subjects like:

Strategic Country Analysis, Mergers & Acquisitions and Partnerships, Local Business Development, Marketing / Distribution, Talent Management, Strategic Outsourcing, Offshoring, Company Set-Ups

The founders of XAVANTES can look back on nearly 20 years of consulting and activities in nearly all Developing Countries. They have worked in governmental, economic or humanitarian agencies (Embassies, European Commission, Ministries, World Bank,…) as well as in private consulting companies and in large industrial conglomerates. They have a very broad view of the risks and advantages of the different countries.

We employ and partner with experts and offices / representations in over 100 countries, through our network XAVANET. We have undertaken projects in the sectors Automotive, Aerospace, Chemicals, Energy, Information, Professional Services, Telecom, always providing ANALYSIS AND SUPPORT for their projects in emerging countries. With this experience, XAVANTES guides you in emerging countries, even the rarest, to improve your competitiveness and your presence without losing your company identity or the quality of your services and your products.

Xavantes attains measureable and sustainable results by using unique and proven methodologies.

  • Company owned databases for M&A targets (industrial companies in the industrial sector or potential acquirers, potential partners, subcontractors), maintained by Xavantes and the offices of the XAVANET.
  • Highly experienced senior consultants in their specific sector or region, accepted by all customer hierarchies due to their extensive “field” experience.
  • The XAVANET network, reliable by the nature of the agreements signed with the different partners
  • Xavantes brainstorming sessions to achieve cohesion on your future steps and the on the "pros" and "cons" of your Globalization Strategies in various fields
  • Diagnostics on your capacity to handle and absorb larger acquisitions in the Emerging Countries of your choice, and more precisely in countries with large economic growth (like India or China) who represent a larger risk of competition in your own European market
  • "Global Fitness" questionnaires and simulations realised in 5 days
  • If possible, computable results through analysis of possible earnings beforehand ("Global Fitness Plan")
  • Human Resources Services locally by XAVANET experts
  • Please contact us via email to get more details on our approach. To obtain a better view of our references and projects, please refer to the section "references"

Anticipate your movements

Your company, compared to a tribe ?

We chose the image of the « Xavantes »,

a Brazilian warrior tribe, because we believe that the culture of integrating all decision makers of an organization in the "quest" for the most appropriate strategy is a key to today´s globalization efforts! Your company needs to identify and maintain its values and knowledge base to succeed in globalization, a lot more than in your "home grounds".

Xavantes, “tribe of the truth”, are a Brazilian tribe, 10.000 people installed in the protected territory of the Mato Grosso. Chased since the XIV century, these innovative warriors have always known how to migrate and to integrate themselves in new geographical zones, while preserving their traditions, like for example the culture of resistance to pain. One of these traditions is that villages, composed of huts, are always arranged in the form of a horse shoe, near a water source, having a large central meeting place, the "Wara".

At the Wara, all members of a tribe discuss every evening the problems encountered, and transfer their knowledge in large discussion sessions. No decision is taken without a risk analysis and the adhesion of the “chiefs” of the tribe. A part of this adhesion approach has been adapted by us for our unique brainstorming sessions before or after merger, before or after a Country Entry Strategy has been decided.

Our Approach :

Unite international experts and your internal management for your local success

The secret of our company resides in the way we approach a project: in its complete context. A movement always generates another movement, but did you really anticipate it? While entering into a specific country, did you have the time to analyse the costs for quality insurance, the danger of non-respect of confidentiality, the important turnaround of employees in certain countries? Xavantes assists you to unite all the necessary know-how to be able to make the right choice for a global move, which takes into account all necessary risks involved, to avoid failure. Sometimes with the final decision for a “No Go”.

Unite international experts and your internal management teams around common objectives and projects for your company:

  • Anticipate your acquisitions, your global presence, your partnerships and Joint Ventures
  • Reduce your production or development costs and improve your agility, if necessary by externalizing some products, services or R&D work to Emerging Countries
  • Recruit, manage and train your talents and leaders while planning your globalization.
  • Ensure the efficiency and lasting of your local projects.

It is also our role to handle your projects locally in these countries. We will mobilize the respective internal and external expertise and create necessary adhesion.

Our network XAVANET

Brazil, China, India, Romania, Vietnam,...

We have partner and offices in over 100 developing and emerging countries

XAVANTES has established a very strong network (XAVANET) of more than 250 senior and junior consultants in more than 100 countries (please see home page for more details on the countries in which we are represented).

We have signed framework contracts with those experts willing to work LOCALLY as independent consultants, and also with those you are willing to work as expatriate experts on some missions in the field.

We have established a close partnership with a German consulting group, working mainly in the field of Technical Assistance and Governmental Support as a support to local NGOs in Emerging or Developing Countries. They represent a very precious help during contractual negotiations or approaches to the government when local offices are to implemented. The group ICON Institute is based in Cologne.

Our local partner offices in Emerging and Developing Countries:

Afghanistan - Afrique du Sud - Albanie - Algérie - Allemagne - Argentine - Arménie - Autriche -Azerbaïdjan
Bahamas - Bangladesh - Barbade – Belgique - Bélize - Bénin - Bolivie - Bosnie-Herzégovine - Botswana - Brésil - Bulgarie - Burkina Faso - Burundi
Cambodge - Cameroun - Cap Vert - Tchad - Chili - Chine - Chypre - Colombie -Congo - Corée du Nord - Côte d'Ivoire - Croatie –
Égypte - El Salvador - Equateur - Espagne - Estonie - États Unis - Ethiopie – France – Finnland
Gambie - Géorgie - Ghana - Guatemala - Guyane
Honduras - Hongrie –
Iles Salomon - Inde - Indonésie - Iran - Irlande - Italie –
Kazakhstan - Kenya - Kirghizstan - Kosovo -Koweït
Lesotho - Liban - Liberia - Libye - Lituanie - Luxembourg
Macédoine - Madagascar - Malaisie - Malawi - Mali - Malte - Maroc - Maurétanie - Mexique - Moldavie - Mongolie - Monténégro - Mozambique
Népal - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria
Pakistan - Palestine - Panama - Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée - Paraguay - Pays Bas - Pérou - Philippines - Pologne -République Dominicaine - République Slovaque - République Tchèque - Roumanie - Russie
Sénégal - Serbie - Sierra Leone - Somalie - Sri Lanka - Soudan – Suisse - Swaziland - Syrie
Tadjikistan - Tanzanie - Thaïlande - Tunisie - Turkménistan - Turquie – Ukraine -Uruguay
Ouzbékistan -
Venezuela - Vietnam
Zaïre - Zambie - Zimbabwe

Please send us an E-mail with your specific country or project request here and we will get back to you.