The world changes ! Are you prepared ?

We accompany our clients since more than 10 years in Emerging Markets:
Business Development, Mergers & Acquisitions, HR Strategies, Outsourcing, Local Production

Xavantes has developed specific and on-demand services for International Strategy Consulting in Emerging Countries:

Xavantes is an international consulting group headquartered in Paris, France, which specializes in International Strategies and their Implementation. For our customers willing to improve the presence of their companies in the Emerging Markets, we propose on-demand consulting services around two main topics: GLOBAL BUSINESS & MERGERS and GLOBAL PRESENCE & OFFSHORING

Be faster than your competitors in Emerging Markets?

Yes, but the "conquest" of Emerging Markets cannot be a short term decision. Business development in Emerging Markets cannot be improvised, it is a long and laborious process which does not always end up in a success. Investments are heavy, human resources not easy to find, logistics and quality sometimes difficult to manage. An Analysis of the logistics costs and the costs for qualified labour can quickly change your appreciation of the investments to be done.

Our approach: Unite international experts and internal management for your local success

The secret of our company resides in the way we approach a project: in its global context. A movement always generates another movement, but did you really anticipate it? While entering into a specific country, did you have the time to analyse the costs for quality insurance, the danger of non-respect of confidentiality, the important turnaround of employees in certain countries? Xavantes assists you to unite all the necessary data and know-how to be able to make the right choice for a global move, which takes into account all necessary risks involved, to avoid failure. Sometimes with the final decision for a “No Go”.

Faster than your competitors?

Your company, compared to a tribe?

We chose the image of the XAVANTES, a brazilian warrior tribe, because we believe that the culture of integrating all decision makers of an organization in the "quest" for the most appropriate strategy is a key to today´s globalization efforts! Your company needs to identify and maintain its values and knowledge base to succeed in globalization, a lot more than in your "home grounds".